The Method

What makes your company an attractive employer? What makes your people stay? It’s when they like coming to work, like being there, and have enough energy after work to enjoy their free time. It’s when they are seen as individuals.


The method that makes people a Wellbeing Superstars.

In many companies, people are tired, both mentally and physically, and employee wellbeing benefits fail to engage those who need them most. We have built a coaching method that builds lasting competitive advantage through expert management and coaching tools, technology and techniques. When you become a Wellbeing Superstar, you leave no one behind.

The Wellbeing Superstars Method integrates wellbeing into your company culture and creates a community where people feel better, healthier and more balanced – at work and at home.
The Method Wellbeing Superstars

Our method is not a patch. It’s not a course, or an employee benefit. It’s a simple but brilliant, all-in-one solution that brings long-lasting, positive change that moves and motivates your people.

We’re your best friend, mentor and guide. We relieve your load, we don’t increase it. Five minutes per week, at a fixed monthly fee, results guaranteed.

The Method Wellbeing Superstars

This is how it works:


Lean on the experts.

Our expert coaches bring you decades of experience and expertise, drawing on medical, psychological and change management research and proven methods.

Grow as a community.

Change is hard, especially if you have to do it on your own. We help bring your community together, on a shared journey towards personal and professional growth.

Invest in holistic wellbeing.

Holistic wellbeing is about work-life balance, exercise and activity, mind and body, sleep and rest. We help you build on the themes that make a difference to your people.

Take small steps.

At the heart of our method is wellbeing built on small steps that drive lasting change, for everyone. What’s the first step towards a better everyday that you can take, today? Take it now.

Track those steps.

Our state of the art wellness technology and data tracking makes change visible, and tracks what really matters: everyday choices, wellness wins, community support.

Build an attractive workplace.

Build a corporate culture and a community that puts its people first. One theme, one step, one change at a time. Build an attractive workplace. Start it today.

Get in touch to start your superstar journey!

Book a meeting